Free from being incarcerated in the last four layers of Hell
Now rules over them

Domains: Lady Huntress of Nature/ Death/ Night/ Moon
Symbol: Drawn Bow with a Moon Tipped arrow

WAS Mated by...
Liam (Deceased)

Strenuously ex-mate: Magesc

Children with Magesc
Wynoia & Leiland

Children with Hexril
First Children (15)
Hexris, Cyrus, Imogen, Atticus + Malachi (Twins), Ozias + Ophelia (Twins), Jonah, Colette, Lucienne, Corbin + Hugo (Twins), Marcel, Louis aka Umbra'Ozul, Estella

Children with Hexril
Second Children (6)
Delphine, Odette, Ambrose, Idris
Typhaine, Ceridwen (Twins)

A nearly unbreakable prison...
1st Seal - The Heart = 10- Vallobai
2nd Seal - The Body = 11- Merlox
3rd Seal - The Mind = 12- Zebby
4th Seal - The Soul = 13- Corintia