The Fates
Ethereal: Light Sister of the Fates [NG]
Resides: Dimensional Realm
Symbol: Crown of 13 stars
Ryxen: Neutral Brother of the Fates [TN]
Resides: Dimensional Realm
Symbol: Four pointed star
Helena: Dark Sister of the Fates [CE]
Resides: Dimensional Realm
Symbol: Black Star around an eye

The Main Gods & Goddess
Kron Bloodtide: Primordial of Oblivian/ War/ Destruction [E]
Resides: Primordial of Oblivian
Symbol: Wave of Blood
Mated to Hope/Pandora
Pious: Primordial Titan of Protection/ Light [TN]
Resides: 6th Heavens of the Elemental Plane of Light
Symbol: Gauntlet backed by a solar disc
Mated to Corvus

Gryla: Dragon Prime of Law/ Light/ Sun/ Healing [LG]
Resides: 1st Ring of the Heavans
Symbol: Solar Disc with Five Stars surrounding it.
Mated to Eupraxis

Birik Nirks/Darkbane: Dream King/Night Haunter [CN/ET]
Resides: Rules the Dreamlands/Elysium
Domains: Dreams & Nightmares
​Symbol: Rat Fang Dagger
Official Guardian of the Tree of Life

Maelthras Draconas: Knowledge/ Planar Travel/ Psionics [NG]
Resides: Astral Plane
Symbol: An Eye
Mated to Zadkiel

Zedonius: Death/ Soul Guidance/ Judgement [N]
Resides: Purgatory
Symbol: Hour glass forms into Balancing Scales
Mated to Helena (Dark Fate)

Ariuka (Kimberly Arang): War Goddess [NE]
Resides: Labyrinth of the Underdark
Symbol: Bat-like wings surrounding two small scythes

​​​Vaelve Darkbane: Anything of the Hells [LE]
Resides: The Hells [9th]
Symbol: Demonic Claw
Mated to Kaine

Corinthia: Lady Huntress of Nature/ Death/ Night/ Moon [LE]
Resides: Last four layers of Hell
Symbol: Drawn Bow with a Moon Tipped arrow

Shirley Iroe: Goddess of Corruption [CE]
Resides: Rules the Abyss
Symbol: Blooded Crystal
Mated to Grigory

Trish Norrora: War/ Death/ Chaos/ The Hunt [N]
Resides: Grey Waste (Limbo)
Symbol: Crossbow infront of a Full Moon
Mated to Coldfire

Nivolis Reaver: Creation/ Family/ Wrath [CN]
Resides: Fey Wilds
Symbol: Leviathan skull wrapped in vines blooming

Magesc: Demonic Father of War/ Knowledge [CE]
Resides: Chaotic Elemental Planes
Symbol: Crown of Thorns and Black Lotus' dripping blood
Taking Over Magesc' Realms/Seat is...
Leiland Sinblood: Rising Demonic God [LN]
Resides: Elemental Plane of Earth
Domains: War/ Oaths
Symbol: Twisted Sun
Wynoai Sinblood: Rising Demonic Goddess [CN]
Resides: Elemental Plane of Fire
Domains: Knowledge/ Trickery
Symbol: Tribal Phoenix

Coldfire KoAnor: Nature/ The Hunt [CG/ NT]
Resides: Water/Air Elemental Plane
Symbol: Full Moon over Grey Waste
Mated to Trish

Drizztren Darkrose: Shadows/ Theivary/ Assassins [C/NT]
Resides: Elemental Plane of Darkness
Symbol: Dagger stabbed in a bloody rose
Mated to Ovan

Grigory Iroe: Executioner: Dark Magic/ Forbidden Knowledge [LE/CT]
Resides: New Shadow Fell
Symbol: Mutated Hand
Mated to Shirely

​​Kala Sinahj: Changelings [NE]
Resides: Rinov Thirkuir Realms
Symbol: Butterfly
Mated to Constantine

Azriel Blackheart: Balance [CN/GT]
Resides: The Void
Symbol: Black Scales
Mated to Micha
Micah Blackheart: Balance [CN/ET]
Resides: The Void
Symbol: White Scales
Mated to Azriel

Gods/esses' Mates Given the Spark of Divinity
Hexril Xathrikar: The Chaos Bringer [CN/HET]
Resides: His own Chaos plane
Symbol: Swirling Vortex of Flame and Darkness
Mated to Tacita Blackheart

Corvus: Ageless Titan of Trickery/Twilight [TN]
Resides: 6th Heavens of the Elemental Plane of Light
Symbol: Dragon curled around a Dream Catcher
Mated to Pious

Ovan Stormbringer: Library of All Knowledge
Domains: Knowledge/ Tempest [CN]
Resides: Library of All Knowledge
Symbol: Hydra, flanked by lightning bolts
Mated to Drizztren