Cuddles the Merdevil

Gargantuan Monstrosity (Chimera, Amalgamation) N
AC: 27 (NA), HP: 390
Speed: 300', Swim: 300'
Str: 26 (+8), Dex: 30 (+10), Con: 28 (+9), Int: 26 (+8), Wis: 18 (+4), Char: 18 (+4)
ST: Str: +15, Int: +15
Skills: Acrobatics: +17, Arcana: +15, History: +15, Intimidation: +11, Perception: +11
Dmg Resistance: Cold, Necrotic, Psychic
Dmg Immune: Acid, Poison
Conditions Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned
Senses: Darkvision: 120', Tremoresense: 120', PP: 21
Languages: Abyssal, Aguan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Infernal
Challenge: 21 (33,000 XP)
Elemental Bane: Anyone hit by Cuddles, that is resistant to cold, necro, acid or poison, takes dmg as normal. If they are immune, they are instead resistant. The basis of this is that Cuddles takes his power from the pure element itself, not the residual.
Magic Resistance: Cuddles has adv on magical saves that he can see coming at him.
Innate Caster: Cuddles is magically gifted... unlike Rampage. He operates as a 17th lvl Wizard with a set spell list per rest.
Spells Known: 25; SDC: 23, +15 Atk
Cantrips: [5] Chill Touch, Frostbite, Sapping Sting, Shape Water, Mending
1st Lvl: [4] Absorb Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Fog Cloud, Ice Knife, Magic Missle, Shield
2nd Lvl: [3] Rime's Binding Ice, Vortex Warp, Snowball Swarm
3rd Lvl: [3] Counterspell, Sleet Storm, Fear
4th Lvl: [3] Control Water, Storm Sphere, Banishment
5th Lvl: [2] Temporal Shunt, Enervation, Control Winds
6th Lvl: [1] Chain Lightning, Wall of Ice, Soul Cage
7th Lvl: [1] Teleport, Forcecage, Crown of Stars
8th Lvl: [1] Antimagic Field, Control Weather, Feeblemind
9th Lvl: [1] Ravenous Void, Time Ravage, Meteor Swarm
Multiattack: Cuddles is able to make 4 attks on his turn. 2 with his claws, 1 with his tail, 1 with his bite or he can forego all attaks in order to cause a Whirlpool & Devour.
Claws: Single target; 15' Range, +15 to hit. On a hit target takes 18d6 slashing and 14d12 acid dmg.
Bite: Single target; 15' Range, +15 to hit. On a hit target takes 23d8 piercing and 12d12 necro dmg.
Tail: Sweeping attk; 100' cone. All targets in the cone must make a Dex Save, DC=23 or be knocked prone while taking 23d6 bludgeoning dmg & 14d4 cold dmg. Spending thier next turn straightening themselves out.
Whirlpool & Devour: This is a twofold attk, in which Cuddles causes a whirlpool to form (size 200' in radius) All those in the radius must make a Str Save DC=23 or start being pulled into the center of the pool where Cuddles mouths (X2) await.
The Devour aspect kicks in when a target fails the Str save X3. After the third fail, they are devoured into his stomach. While trapped in him the targets take 23d6 acid dmg, every turn they are trapped. They can make an acrobatics Save DC 23 to escape.