Iratha the Snakkit

Huge Monstrosity (Chimera, Amalgamation) N
AC: 27 (NA), HP: 138
Speed: 80', Climb: 50'
Str: 18 (+4), Dex: 30 (+10), Con: 20 (+5), Int: 28 (+9), Wis: 18 (+4), Char: 12 (+1)
ST: Dex: +17, Int: +16
Skills: Acrobatics: +17, Arcana: +16, Deception: +8, Medicine: +11, Perception: +11, Stealth: +17
Dmg Resistance: Fire, Psychic
Dmg Immune: Acid, Poison
Conditions Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned
Senses: Blindsight: 80', Darkvision: 120', PP: 21
Languages: Understands Common, Elvish, Primordial
Challenge: 21 (33,000 XP)
Elemental Bane: Anyone hit by Iratha, that is resistant to fire, acid or poison, takes dmg as normal. If they are immune, they are instead resistant. The basis of this is that Iratha takes her power from the pure element itself, not the residual.
Magic Resistance: Iratha has adv on magical saves that she can see coming at her.
Innate Caster: Iratha is magically gifted... unlike Rampage. She operates as a 17th lvl Druid with a set spell list per rest.
Spells Known: 21; SDC: 19, +11 Atk
Cantrips: [4] Control Flames, Poison Spray, Thron Whip, Create Bonfire
1st Lvl: [4] Absorb Elements, Faerie Fire, Fog Cloud
2nd Lvl: [3] Pass Without Trace, Moonbeam, Gust of Wind
3rd Lvl: [3] Call Lightning, Water Breathing, Freedom of the Waves, Tidal Waves
4th Lvl: [3] Control Water, Fire Shield, Blight, Watery Sphere
5th Lvl: [2] Mass Cure Wounds, Geas
6th Lvl: [1] Wall of Thorns, Sunbeam
7th Lvl: [1] Regenerate
8th Lvl: [1] Control Weather
9th Lvl: [1] Foresight
Multiattack: Iratha is able to make 4 attks on her turn. 2 with her claws, 1 with her tail, 2 spells or she can forego all attaks in order to grapple a target in order to swallow them.
Gaze: As an action Iratha picks between these three effects with her Gaze:
Frightening: Creatures in a 80' radius of Iratha who can see her, must make a Wis Save DC=19. Fail & they spend their turn moving as far away from her as possible. Success & they suffer nothing.
Stunning: Creatures in a 80' radius of Iratha who can see her, must make an Int Save, DC=19. Fail & they are stunned, unable to do anything until the end of her next turn. Success & they suffer nothing.
Petrify: Creatures in a 80' radius of Iratha who can see her, must make a Char Save, DC=19. Fail and they start the process of petrifying, first fail, they lose all movement speed. IF they fail a second time, they are restrained in place and the third fail, they are petrified. Only a Greater Restoration OR Iratha, herself, can save them.
Claws: Single target; 10' Range, +11 to hit. On a hit target takes 8d12 slashing and 4d8 acid dmg.
Tail: Single target; 10' Range, +11 to hit. On a hit target takes 8d12 piercing and 8d8 fire dmg.
Grapple & Swallow: This is a twofold attk, Iratha foregoes all attks in order to spring at the target and attempt to grapple them. IF she is able to successfully grapple, she can then swallow in the same action.
Iratha can only swallow up to two creatures at the sametime. With two in her, she is unable to move and must wait for them to be dissolved in her highly acidic belly. While in her, the targets must succeed on a acrobatics Save DC 23 to escape. For each turn they are inside of her belly they take 14d6 acid dmg.