Laudorus (Pup)

Small Beast, Good Baby
AC: 23, HP: 78
Speed: 80', Climb: 40', Swim: 160'
Str: 16 (+3), Dex: 20 (+5), Con: 16 (+3), Int: 10 (+0), Wis: 10 (+0), Char: 18 (+4)
ST: Str: +7, Con: +7
Skills: Acrobatics: +9, Perception: +4, Athletics: +7, Intimidation: +8, Stealth: +9, Survival: +4
Dmg Resistance: Acid, Lightning, Thunder
Dmg Immune: Cold
Conditions Immunities: Exhaustion, Stunned
Senses: Blindsight: 30', Tremorsense: 60', Darkvision: 60', PP: 14
Languages: Understands Aquan, Common, Draconic, Sylvan
Challenge: 9 (5,000 XP)
Pack Traits: While in a friendly group, the Pup has advantage on attacks while another party member is flanking the target.
Swift Swim: While underwater the Pup can move without provoking an attack of opportunities. The Pup can bring another friendly creature wtih them apart of this movement without difficulty. They can easily fight riptides and under water currents.
Bite: Melee Weapon Attack; reach 5' single target, +7 to hit. On a hit target takes 3d10 piercing dmg.
Tail Swipe: Melee Weapon Attack; reach 5' single target, +7 to hit. On a hit target takes 4d8 bludgeoning dmg.