Rampage the Liolf

Huge Monstrosity (Chimera, Amalgamation) N
AC: 22 (NA), HP: 198
Speed: 80', Climb: 50'
Str: 28 (+9), Dex: 20 (+5), Con: 30 (+10), Int: 18 (+4), Wis: 12 (+1), Char: 18 (+4)
ST: Str: +16, Con: +17
Skills: Athletics: +16, Intimidation: +11, Investigation: +11, Perception: +8, Stealth: +12, Survival +8
Dmg Resistance: Cold, Lightning
Dmg Immune: Acid, Poison
Conditions Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned, Stunned
Senses: Darkvision: 120', PP: 18
Languages: Understands Common, Elvish, Primordial
Challenge: 21 (33,000 XP)
Elemental Bane: Anyone hit by Rampage, that is resistant to cold, acid or poison, takes dmg as normal. If they are immune, they are instead resistant. The basis of this is that Rampage takes his power from the pure element itself, not the residual.
Magic Resistance: Rampage has adv on magical saves that he can see coming at him.
Multiattack: Rampage is able to make 4 attks on his turn. 2 with his claws, 1 with his bite, 1 with his tendrils or he can forego all attaks for a Barrage.
Roar: as an action Rampage picks between these three effects with his Roar:
Deafening: Creatures in a 100' radius of Rampage must make a Con Save, DC=19. Fail and they are deaf until the end of Rampage's next turn. Sucess and they suffer nothing.
Fightening: Creatures in a 100' radius of Rampage, who can hear him, must make a Wis Save, DC=19. Fail and they spend their turn moving as far away from him as possible. Sucess and they suffer nothing.
Stunning: Creatures in a 100' radius of Rampage, who can hear him, must make a Int Save, DC=19. Fail and they are stunned, unable to do anything until the end of his next turn. Sucess and they suffer nothing.
Bite: Single target; 10' Range, +16 to hit. On a hit target takes 5d10 piercing and 3d8 acid dmg.
Claws: Single target; 10' Range, +16 to hit. On a hit target takes 6d12 slashing and 3d10 cold dmg.
Tendril: 4X targets; 10' Range, +16 to hit. On a hit target takes 14d6 bludgeoning and 3d8 poison dmg. When hit the target must make a Con Save, DC=19 or reduce their attacks & saves by 1d4 till they recover.
Barrage: Multiple targets within a 30', +16 to hit, must make an attack roll on each target surrounding him. Uses up all 4 for the turn. On a hit dmg deals 12d6 slashing dmg with 10d4 poison dmg. On a hit, targets must make a Con Save, DC=23 to resist the poison effect. This effect will cause them to suffer 1d4 to their attacks & saves until they resist the effect. Targets can make the save at the end of their turn.