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Guardian of the Astral Plane
Domains: Knowledge/ Planar Travel/ Psionics
Symbol: An Eye

Mated and claimed by...

Father: Lord Demitri
Drake (reborn as Whiteshaft)(M)
Father: Lord Therian Shadeslight
Whiteshaft (M), Chase (M), Selena (F), Listle (F), Sadist (M)
Father: Valareos Draconrouge
Rafaello (M), Kayla (F), Amethyst (F), Anthro/Nabalix (M)
Father: Drac
Father: Charir Darastrix (Deaceased)
Dazenth, Amath, Hamuth, Taneth, Thoth (M), Pacath, Phith, Namoth (F)

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