Malbolge Ruled by...
Lord Zayle &
Lady Delilah

The sixth layer is formed of rocky slopes and tumbling boulders that cause near constant avalanches. The sky boils with extreme heat and vicious winds cast any flying creatures to the ground where boulders soon cascade around them, burying them forever beneath hundreds and thousands of tons of stone. The rocky slopes are much like Gehenna, though at least here travelers don’t have to deal with the constant explosions of fire, only the avalanches of rocks and mud. Once a creature is knocked prone, they continue to fall down the sides of this layer until they strike something hundreds of feet below them.
Great bronze citadels dot the landscape, and the largest of these citadels is ruled by the Lord of the Sixth. Here, the Lord Zayle & and his beloved Lady Delilah, oversee the prisons of the Nine Hells, ensuring that criminals have no hope of escape and are cruelly punished based on the laws they put forth.
Some call the Lord the greatest criminal of the Nine Hells, and that the Lord is the warden of the prison.
Traveling from this layer to the next requires finding tunnels through the avalanche of boulders where travelers can get to the relative safety of caverns, though the threat of a cave collapse is always present. Travelers are forced to tunnel deeper and deeper until they make their way to Maladomini, a layer dotted with hundreds of ruins.