The deepest layer of the Nine Hells, this layer is composed of massive ravines thousands of miles deep and guarded by thousands of ice devils, horned devils, and pit fiends. This is the home of the Lord & Lady of the Ninth, entities known as Vaelve & Kaina. From here, the entire plane is overseen by the great overseer, his orders, and laws being enforced without question across the plane. There have been a few who have attempted revolts against Vaelve, and while they have all failed, it doesn’t stop others from scheming and plotting against the Ruler.
Little has been discovered about Nessus, with very few if any travelers making it out of here. It’s claimed that of the thousands and even millions of travelers to this plane, you can count on one hand how many have made it down to Nessus and returned.
Rising out of the deepest canyon in the layer is a hollow needle spire that is the citadel of Vaelve and his beloved Kaine.
The prison of the greatest souls, as well, is there and that he holds personally close to himself.