What most envision hell to be like, rivers of liquid fire flow from great volcanoes and twisting flames strike at any devil or traveler who doesn’t belong here. Forged documents from Ribcage burn up in this layer and flames streak out, attacking any creature not authorized by Lord/Lady of the Fourth. Creatures soon burst into flames unless they have some sort of protection from the intense heat, and this layer is the first to not allow lesser devils in its confines.
There is only one city known to exist on this layer, that of Abriymoch where thousands of greater devils are stationed in case a demonic excursion ever pierces so deep into the Nine Hells. This fortress city is made of obsidian and molten lava that flows freely through the city, giving it the appearance of a horrific fountain of fire.
As you draw closer and closer to the city you will be able to hear music of macabre sorrow.
To reach the layer below, travelers must go into the volcanoes that dot across this layer and travel down into the depths where vast amounts of devils and duergar are forced to toil, crafting weapons and infernal constructs for the war effort. At the roots of these volcanoes, a traveler can fall to the frozen glaciers of Stygia.